Enter the first name of the data subject
Enter the last name of the data subject
Enter email for correspondence with the data request.
What is your relationship to Media24 product and services
You are subscribed to Media24 products and services.
You are currently or are a former advertiser of Media24 products or services.
You are a company who has done or is doing business with a Media24 product or services
You are currently or have previously entered into a contractual agreement with Media24
You are an author who is currently or has previously engaged with Media24
You are a competent person authorised to act on behalf of the consumer
You are a current or former employee of Media24
Please select from more options.
You would like to request access to your personal information we hold about you.
Correction of personal information about the data subject which is in possession or under the control of the responsible party
You wish to cancel your Media24 services or communication that you receive from Media24
Destruction or Deletion of a record of personal information about the data subject which is in the possession or under the control of the responsible party who is no longer authorised to retain the record information
The Promotion of Access to Information Act facilitates access to any information held by the State and by public or private bodies that is required for the exercise or protection of any rights.
You would like to log a complaint.
You have a general request and would like to be assisted.